I’m Scared, BUT…


“I’m just trying to get like you”

“Girl you killed that”

“Ross the Boss”

“You be getting to the money”

“You’re always on the go….”

And on and on and on! Have you ever had someone compliment you and you immediately think “who me???” Like compliments seem like a foreign language sometimes. No really, if you want to render me speechless toss a compliment my way and all the sudden English is no longer my native language. I don’t know if I should say thank you or tell them they’ve got the wrong person! Then I’m scurrying to come up with a compliment to give back. It’s a whole thing! Why do so many of us struggle to see the greatness in ourselves the way others do? Why are we so quick to deflect when someone takes a moment to acknowledge that greatness? I think, we fear our own greatness. Because the thing is, once we acknowledge it, we can no longer make excuses as to why we’re not operating in it. Fear, is one of the most powerful forces there is. It can propel us, and it can also paralyze us. For me, it depends on the day which way fear impacts me but If I’m honest, fear paralyzes me more times than not. I’m actively changing that though. Imposter syndrome is real. Comparison kills but don’t let them win! Whatever it is that I’m not doing because fear has so boldly convinced me that I shouldn’t, I’m doing it. The dreams that seem outrageous, the goals that seem unobtainable… DO-ING IT! Pushing send on this post… I’mma do it! The opportunities that I’ve ridiculously deemed myself inadequate for, I’M GOING TO DO IT! So the thought of the day is: DO IT SCARED BUT DO IT!

OK that’s all for now 👋🏾






Rainy Days